יום רביעי, 19 במאי 2010

On Israelis and Arabs (Ishmaels

This article has nothing to do with the nations who live in the Middle East and have conflict over territories. It meant the spiritual purpose behind the people, and is relevant to all people everywhere.
A quote from the introduction which I wrote to the book "Meher Baba on War":
".....This book came to say that the Truth exists, in spite of all human efforts to discard it, to death. We have a special purpose on Earth, and this is not being expressed by eating, drinking, making love etc. Man was created to be a living Truth, an example and a sign for his neighborhood in his living. We are not a thinking and eating animals, but the link between the cosmos and this Earth – this land which was created to enable endless creatures to evolve on the path of infinite states of consciousness under the supervision of Humankind, till the final Perfect State through which the Creator Himself is being revealed on Earth as a Perfect Being endowed with ultimate infinite consciousness. The state of Israel has a unique purpose on Earth, just the same that each country and nation have their own special task. We can see the body of mankind like one big body, like the human body, consists of many organs and systems - the nervous system, the muscles, the bones, digestion, excretion etc. In the living body we can note two major systems - control and command, or the system of the brain and the nerves, and the system of operation and work, the muscles. The place of this land is in the control mechanism of the planetary body, and serves as its one of its main components. This is not a "shelter for persecuted people", but a very special organ.
The existence of this organ depends on its components, the human beings, each one of them is like one cell in the body. These cannot survive by their single efforts but as one harmonious whole. If we will give a momentary look at the daily living, we will see a dense soup of endless individuals who don't know why they exist and what is their destiny. So, a leadership is needed - those individuals who are endowed with greater and deeper understanding, who know what is their task and how to execute it. Their task today is to shape the general body and channel it to the direction which will bring healing and harmonious correct living. There is not today such a leadership in action, and that's why things look as they are. This book is being dedicated to this potential leadership which exists in this country, to those people who know why they live here, who can transcend beyond the feeling of one lonely small person, and who sees themselves as part and parcel of the creation and beyond. If this leadership won't take on itself the responsibility which is being placed on it, life won't be able to continue to exist. If this country won't come back and take its correct stance in the body of humankind, it won't be able to exist; and this will be the fate of all life on Earth. Today the body of humankind is like a rotten, decaying body which is trying by all means to postpone its moment of dying. If life continues, and the body of humankind will receive its anticipated healing, it depends if those mentioned will rise up and fulfill their duties for which they were created. This special body that the people who live here were destined to create, consists of two components that cannot function without the other, like the two chambers of the heart. There is no existence for the heart without its two chambers. Imagine to yourself that one chamber gets jealous at the other and tries to throw it outside, as if saying: "This heart is mine, it is mine inheritance". If it will succeed, it will sentence itself to death. Likewise this organ consists of two big units, "Jews" and "Arabs", or what was once called the Children of Israel and the Children of Ishmael, the descendants of Lord Abraham. These two have to live together like one harmonious body. This land was meant for both of them together. The meaning of "Israel" is the Man of God, a man for example, who proves in his daily living the existence of the absolute truth, and the meaning of "Ishmael" is "listen to God", listen to the example and directives of the Man-God, or we can say that the Arabs need the example we (Israelis) have to proclaim. They cannot survive without us, and we cannot survive without them. The only cause which unites the Arabs together is their hatred to Israel, and the only true cause which should unite them should be their love to Israel, and this will happen only when the God-Man people will fulfill their destiny again. Wars will not stop as long as this state won't exist; it is not possible to invent peace when present condition will remain, sort off, "don't disturb me and I won't disturb you". Such peace is an illusion. There is no substitute for the Truth, and sweet words won't plaster reality. As long as each person sees himself as a separate "egoistic" being, there won't be peace. Humans won't be able to evolve to their proper stance if they won't have leaders as an example, people with wisdom and understanding who stand above selfish, narrow national considerations etc. The prime responsibility rests on those who can take such responsibility.
Etzion Becker, February 7th, 1981